BY Michael Light / On November 6, 2023


迈阿密又多了一位全职亿万富翁. Jeff Bezos has announced that he and his love, Lauren Sanchez, 将从西雅图搬到亿万富翁地堡 Indian Creek Island他最近在那里购买了邻近的两处房产.

今年夏天,他斥资6800万美元买下了位于印第安溪岛大道11号(11 Indian Creek Island Drive)的那套拆房公寓. 这是一座9200平方英尺的房子,建于1965年.84 acre waterfront lot. 当时,他表达了想要夷平这所房子并建造新房子的愿望.

时间快进到10月,他的下一步计划实现了,他以7900万美元的价格买下了附近的房子. 这栋位于12 Indian Creek Island Drive的房产建于2000年. The home is 19,000平方英尺,包括一间泳池房和7间卧室, 14 baths, a cinema and at least 3 living areas. The second lot is also 1.84英亩的海滨,吸引了这对情侣超过3.在岛上享受6英亩的海滨物业,总共只有41个住宅, its own police force, country club and golf club.

Jeff Bezos 12 Indian Creek Drive Entry

Jeff Bezos 12 Indian Creek Drive Entry

At the time of the announcement, 贝佐斯表达了他对这座神奇城市的热爱和对家人的思念. His parents recently returned to the area with a 他们今年7月在珊瑚盖布尔斯购买的海滨别墅r.

“我的父母一直是我最大的支持者. They recently moved back to Miami, 我小时候住的地方(迈阿密棕榈高中82届,GO panther)!)我想离我的父母近一点,劳伦和我都喜欢迈阿密.” Bezos said in a social media post.

这位亚马逊创始人的未婚妻也表达了他对这一举动的热情, captioning an image of the home with “Miami 💖.”

Jeff Bezos 12 Indian Creek Drive Bay View

Jeff Bezos 12 Indian Creek Drive Bay View

In addition to being closer to his parents, 贝佐斯还热衷于离蓝色起源公司总部更近一些, 它正逐渐转移到卡纳维拉尔角的航天中心, FL. 他的企业集团的太空探索部门越来越成为这位多字符创始人的一个宠物项目.

Is This The Only Reason For The Move?

While he publicly denies it, 365app必须关注贝佐斯和桑切斯在搬迁过程中获得的税收优惠,因为这是近年来365app经历的许多搬迁的一个重要原因.

而华盛顿州也没有州所得税(365app从东北部和新英格兰搬来的许多移民都逃避了州所得税)。, 贝佐斯也可以通过搬迁来逃避拟议中的财富税 according to MarketWatch.

这项税收影响到所有净资产超过2.5亿美元的人, which obviously includes the Amazon founder. 据彭博社估计,他目前的净资产为1610亿美元.

Jeff Bezos 12 Indian Creek Drive正式生活钢琴

Jeff Bezos 12 Indian Creek Drive正式生活钢琴

贝索斯将成为迈阿密地区的亿万富翁. 他将加入著名对冲基金Citadel创始人的行列, 肯·格里芬,以及谷歌前董事长埃里克·施密特和他的妻子温蒂. 施密特一家目前正在疯狂购买日落群岛的海滨住宅.

贝索斯和桑切斯的邻居包括汤姆·布雷迪, Jared and Ivanka Kushner, Julio Iglesias and Carl Icahn.

不管他搬迁的理由是什么,365app都欢迎贝佐斯一家! 向下滚动查看杰夫和劳伦新海滨住所的更多照片.

Images Courtesy of Miami MLS
Jeff Bezos 12 Indian Creek Drive Bayfront

Jeff Bezos 12 Indian Creek Drive Bayfront

Jeff Bezos 12 Indian Creek Drive Blue Room

Jeff Bezos 12 Indian Creek Drive Blue Room

Jeff Bezos 12 Indian Creek Drive Dining Room

Jeff Bezos 12 Indian Creek Drive Dining Room

Jeff Bezos 12 Indian Creek Drive Family Room

Jeff Bezos 12 Indian Creek Drive Family Room

Jeff Bezos 12 Indian Creek Drive Formal Living

Jeff Bezos 12 Indian Creek Drive Formal Living

Jeff Bezos 12 Indian Creek Drive Foyer

Jeff Bezos 12 Indian Creek Drive Foyer



Jeff Bezos 12 Indian Creek Drive Gallery

Jeff Bezos 12 Indian Creek Drive Gallery

Jeff Bezos 12 Indian Creek Drive Golf Course View

Jeff Bezos 12 Indian Creek Drive Golf Course View

Jeff Bezos 12 Indian Creek Drive Great Room

Jeff Bezos 12 Indian Creek Drive Great Room



Jeff Bezos 12 Indian Creek Drive Guest Bedroom

Jeff Bezos 12 Indian Creek Drive Guest Bedroom

Jeff Bezos 12 Indian Creek Drive Infinity Pool

Jeff Bezos 12 Indian Creek Drive Infinity Pool

Jeff Bezos 12 Indian Creek Drive Kitchen Layout

Jeff Bezos 12 Indian Creek Drive Kitchen Layout

Jeff Bezos 12 Indian Creek Drive Kitchen

Jeff Bezos 12 Indian Creek Drive Kitchen

Jeff Bezos 12 Indian Creek Drive Library

Jeff Bezos 12 Indian Creek Drive Library

Jeff Bezos 12 Indian Creek Drive Mezzanine

Jeff Bezos 12 Indian Creek Drive Mezzanine

Jeff Bezos 12 Indian Creek Drive镜像画廊

Jeff Bezos 12 Indian Creek Drive镜像画廊

Jeff Bezos 12 Indian Creek Drive Patio

Jeff Bezos 12 Indian Creek Drive Patio



Jeff Bezos 12 Indian Creek Drive Pool House

Jeff Bezos 12 Indian Creek Drive Pool House

Jeff Bezos 12 Indian Creek Drive Primary Bath Tub

Jeff Bezos 12 Indian Creek Drive Primary Bath Tub

Jeff Bezos 12 Indian Creek Drive Primary Bath

Jeff Bezos 12 Indian Creek Drive Primary Bath

Jeff Bezos 12 Indian Creek Drive Primary Suite

Jeff Bezos 12 Indian Creek Drive Primary Suite

Jeff Bezos 12 Indian Creek Drive Seawall

Jeff Bezos 12 Indian Creek Drive Seawall

Jeff Bezos 12 Indian Creek Drive Spiral Staircase

Jeff Bezos 12 Indian Creek Drive Spiral Staircase

Jeff Bezos 12 Indian Creek Drive Theater Bar

Jeff Bezos 12 Indian Creek Drive Theater Bar

Jeff Bezos 12 Indian Creek Drive Theater Screen

Jeff Bezos 12 Indian Creek Drive Theater Screen

Jeff Bezos 12 Indian Creek Drive Theater

Jeff Bezos 12 Indian Creek Drive Theater

Jeff Bezos 12 Indian Creek Drive Waterfront

Jeff Bezos 12 Indian Creek Drive Waterfront

Jeff Bezos 12 Indian Creek Drive Wet Bar

Jeff Bezos 12 Indian Creek Drive Wet Bar


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